Part Two: CSS

Hello, everyone!

We continue our series on developing a browser engine. Better late than never! Despite the long break, I’ll update you on the lexbor project and its current status at the end of this article.

In this article, we’ll explore the specifics of parsing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). I’ll explain how to approach the task and how to test the results.

The CSS specifications are mostly comprehensive, but here, I’ll outline how everything is organized, where to look, and where to start. This article provides an overview and basic algorithms without delving into implementation details. For detailed implementation, refer to the GitHub code.

Our goal remains to create the fastest CSS parser.

Where to Look?

There are two primary sources for CSS specifications:

  1. – All drafts of the latest specifications.

  2. – The consortium that maintains comprehensive internet specifications.

We’ll use because it’s concise and provides links to all versions of each module, from drafts to recommendations.

How It’s Organized

CSS is organized into modules: Syntax, Namespaces, Selectors, CSSOM, Values, and more. You can find a complete list on

Each module has a status: Working Draft, Candidate Recommendation, Recommendation, etc. You can see all stages on In simple terms, each module is marked with its current development stage, ranging from early drafts to final recommendations.

We will focus on Editor’s Draft and Working Draft with a glance at Recommendation. Since W3C standards evolve slowly, by the time a module reaches Recommendation, it might already be outdated. Thus, we’ll treat CSS standards as living documents, like the HTML standard.

Let’s Get Started with the Basics

Some CSS modules are fundamental—without them, nothing works. These are the BASICS.

  1. Syntax

The Syntax module is the foundation. It describes CSS structure, token construction principles, and parsing.

  1. Values

The Values module describes the grammar. All modules include grammars and basic CSS types.

For example, the grammar for the width property looks like:

width = auto | <length-percentage [0,∞]> | min-content | max-content | fit-content(<length-percentage [0,∞]>)

The module also covers basic types and mathematical functions like <length>, <angle>, <time>, min(), max(), etc.

For instance, the <length-percentage> type is defined as:

<length-percentage> = <length> | <percentage-token>
<length> = <dimension-token> | <number-token [0,0]>

Types ending in -token are tokens from the tokenizer, carrying various data. This article outlines the general picture. For implementation details, refer to the specifications mentioned.

Syntax: Tokenizer

The tokenizer processes a data stream into tokens.

For example, with CSS:

div {width: 10px !important}

The tokenizer generates tokens:

"div"       — <ident-token>
" "         — <whitespace-token>
"{"         — <left-curly-bracket-token>
"width"     — <ident-token>
":"         — <colon-token>
" "         — <whitespace-token>
"10px"      — <dimension-token>
" "         — <whitespace-token>
"!"         — <delim-token>
"important" — <ident-token>
"}"         — <right-curly-bracket-token>

You can find all token types and the tokenization algorithm in the specification.

Syntax: Parsing

Parsing organizes tokens into structures for further processing by various CSS modules.

A specific structure includes:

  1. Stylesheet (formerly List of Rules)

  2. At-Rule

  3. Qualified Rule

  4. Block’s contents

  5. Declaration

  6. Component value

  7. Simple block

  8. Function

For example, consider Qualified Rule:

div {width: 10px !important}

Qualified Rule can have a prelude and rules:

  • div — The prelude.

  • {width: 10px !important} — The rules list.


  • The Prelude contains a Component value.

  • The Rules contain Lists of Declarations.

width: 10px !important — is a declaration. Multiple declarations form a list of declarations.

Therefore, the declaration contains:

  • width — The name.

  • 10px — The value.

  • !important — The important flag.

In simpler terms:

  • div — CSS Selectors.

  • {width: 10px !important} — A list of CSS properties.

Other structures are similarly organized. For example, Stylesheet contains Rules, including At-Rule and Qualified Rule.

These structures must be processed by other CSS modules. For instance, the CSS Selectors module parses data from Qualified Rule’s Prelude, while the Media Queries module processes the entire At-Rule structure. Each module handles its specific part of the data.

Theory is Over, Let’s Begin Life

Let’s take a well-known bootstrap.css file, which is approximately ≈180KB in size. The tokenizer will produce around ≈51700 tokens from this file, excluding comments. That’s a significant number.

Now, let’s imagine that during the first pass, we process these tokens to form the syntax structure. In the second and subsequent passes, we break them down by modules. Subsequent passes will handle fewer tokens, as {, }, [, ], and other elements will be discarded as appropriate.

Here is where we start thinking together—how can we optimize this? There are several options for implementing an optimized CSS parser; let’s consider the main ones.

SAX Style

We can set up callbacks for all stages of CSS syntax structures and pass tokens to these callbacks. It would look something like this:

div {width: 10px !important}
"div"       — callback_qualified_rule_prelude(<ident-token>)
" "         — callback_qualified_rule_prelude(<whitespace-token>)
            — callback_qualified_rule_prelude(<end-token>)
"{"         — skip <left-curly-bracket-token>
"width"     — callback_declaration_name(<ident-token>)
":"         — skip <colon-token>
" "         — skip <whitespace-token>
"10px"      — callback_declaration_value(<dimension-token>)
" "         — skip <whitespace-token>
"!"         — skip <delim-token>
"important" — skip <ident-token>
            - callback_declaration_important(true)
"}"         — skip <right-curly-bracket-token>

As seen from this small example, there will be many callbacks, making it challenging to manage them all.

In this approach, much responsibility falls on the user. Additionally, a major issue is the inability to look ahead at the next token. One might argue that the tokenizer could be called to get the next token without disrupting the overall algorithm. However, this isn’t feasible, as we wouldn’t know whether the next token is relevant to the current stage. This would result in redundant work, as we’d need to reanalyze the CSS structure.


  1. Fixed memory usage for the tokenizer and parser.

  2. Speed. The parser handles structure tracking and callback invocation.

  3. Simplified support for chunk-wise parsing.


  1. Increased complexity for users. Much responsibility is transferred to them.

  2. Inability to access the next/previous token.

Wild Implementation - The Fastest One

Let’s have each module manage the CSS structure independently. Essentially, we shift all responsibilities to the user, assuming they know best.

If the user starts parsing CSS selectors, they must handle not only the selector grammar but also track nesting through tokens such as {, }, (, ), and function(.

It might look something like this:

div {width: 10px !important}
"div {"                    — Selectors parse
"width: 10px !important}"  — Declarations parse

Parsing selectors will proceed as follows:

  • Parse according to the selector grammar.

  • Check each token to determine if it is { at the current nesting depth.

  • If the token is {, switch to the next parsing stage.

This sounds simple, but in practice, it’s more complex:

  • The knowledge about which stage to switch to must be passed to each module; they don’t inherently know this.

  • We need to decide whether to consume the { or } token before passing it to the next stage.

  • Nesting depth must be tracked. We can’t just pass control to the next module when encountering } without understanding the context, such as whether it was part of a construct like (}). It’s crucial to precisely understand the CSS structure at all times. This complicates development and debugging significantly if issues arise.

  • Parsing errors often occur not where the parser fails but much earlier, possibly due to incorrect nesting or extra tokens captured by some module. Supporting this approach is very complex.


  1. Complete control over the tokenizer. Tokens can be obtained and looked ahead.

  2. Speed. Direct parsing with no callbacks.


  1. Highly complex development and support.

Initially, I experimented with this parsing approach.

The idea was:

  1. To avoid writing everything manually by creating a C code generator based on grammars.

  2. To teach the code generator to track the global CSS structure.

In other words, we provide the code generator with the grammar of the Selectors module, and it generates C code for parsing, incorporating the global CSS structure into the Selectors grammar.

I achieved good results with this approach but decided to stop for now. Developing such a code generator is a major and challenging task, albeit interesting. The optimization stage alone is substantial. I plan to revisit this once the lexbor project is more widely used and a significant speed improvement is required.

Hedgehog Inside Out

We’ve established the importance of controlling tokens and obtaining them independently.

When parsing any data, we generally follow a clear sequence:

  1. The tokenizer creates tokens.

  2. The parser processes them.

This approach is straightforward.

But what if the tokenizer also tracked the global CSS structure? In other words, while requesting a token from the tokenizer, it would internally monitor the CSS structure. This is a form of inside-out parsing.

This approach is implemented in my lexbor project.

Here’s how it works: We set up callbacks for different stages of parsing the CSS structure. Each callback is called only once at the beginning of a stage, not for every token.

But how do we track the structure within these callbacks?

We create several proxy functions for the tokenizer functions: lxb_css_syntax_parser_token() for token acquisition and lxb_css_syntax_parser_consume() for token consumption. The user interacts with these proxy functions rather than directly with the tokenizer.

The lxb_css_syntax_parser_token() function works as follows:

  1. Get a token from the tokenizer.

  2. Analyze the token in the CSS structure.

  3. Return the token to the user if it belongs to the current parsing stage; otherwise, return the termination token LXB_CSS_SYNTAX_TOKEN__TERMINATED.

When the termination token LXB_CSS_SYNTAX_TOKEN__TERMINATED is returned, the CSS structure analyzer waits for a decision from the user. Possible decisions include:

  • lxb_css_parser_success() — Parsing was successful, and the expected data was obtained.

  • lxb_css_parser_failed() — Unexpected data encountered.

  • lxb_css_parser_memory_fail() — Memory allocation error occurred, ending parsing.

  • lxb_css_parser_stop() — Stop further parsing.

In other words, if the user is in any parsing stage, such as the Prelude stage of the Qualified Rule, they cannot exit this stage until they return success or failed. Additionally, decision-making functions can be called immediately. If lxb_css_parser_success() is called and there are remaining tokens not related to LXB_CSS_SYNTAX_TOKEN_WHITESPACE in the current stage, the stage automatically switches to failed. This is convenient because we do not need to check all tokens until LXB_CSS_SYNTAX_TOKEN__TERMINATED arrives. If we are sure that everything is parsed in the current stage, we return lxb_css_parser_success(). If there are still tokens, everything will automatically resolve.

The final algorithm is as follows:

  1. The user wants to parse a Qualified Rule. They set callbacks for the beginning of the Prelude, the start of the Rules block, and the end of parsing the Qualified Rule.

  2. Begin parsing.

  3. In the loop: 3.1. Call the token acquisition function lxb_css_syntax_parser_token(). 3.1.1. Get a token from the tokenizer. 3.1.2. Analyze it in the CSS structure. 3.1.3. The parser sets the user callback based on the CSS structure. 3.2. Call the set callback with the obtained token. 3.3. In the callback, the user retrieves all tokens until LXB_CSS_SYNTAX_TOKEN__TERMINATED using lxb_css_syntax_parser_token(). 3.4. The user returns control, and the process repeats from step 3.1.

This is a simplified overview. Inside the lxb_css_syntax_parser_token() function, there are various phases, including switching between CSS structures like Qualified Rule, At-Rule, etc., as well as different system phases. There is also a stack due to the recursive nature of CSS structures, which avoids recursion directly.


  1. Complete control over the tokenizer.

  2. Speed, as everything happens on the fly.

  3. Safety for the user, with full respect for the CSS structure.

  4. Ease of developing user parsers.


  1. I did not find any cons; in my opinion, this is the most balanced CSS parsing approach.

Parsing is Good, How About Testing?

To understand the scale of parsing challenges, let’s explore how grammar syntax is structured. Values in grammars can include combinators and multipliers.


Sequential Order

<my> = a b c

<my> can contain the following value:

  • <my> = a b c

One Value from the List:

<my> = a | b | c

<my> can contain the following values:

  • <my> = a

  • <my> = b

  • <my> = c

One or All Values from the List in Any Order:

<my> = a || b || c

<my> can contain the following values:

  • <my> = a

  • <my> = a b

  • <my> = a c

  • <my> = a b c

  • <my> = a c b

  • <my> = b

  • <my> = b a

  • <my> = b c

  • <my> = b a c

  • <my> = b c a

  • <my> = c

  • <my> = c a

  • <my> = c b

  • <my> = c a b

  • <my> = c b a

All Values from the List in Any Order:

<my> = a && b && c

<my> can contain the following values:

  • <my> = a b c

  • <my> = a c b

  • <my> = b a c

  • <my> = b c a

  • <my> = c a b

  • <my> = c b a

Values can be Grouped:

<my> = [ [a | b | c] && x ] r t v


For those familiar with regular expressions, this concept will be immediately clear.

Zero or Infinite Number of Times:

<my> = a*

<my> can contain the following values:

  • <my> = a

  • <my> = a a a a a a a a a a a a a

  • <my> =

One or Infinite Number of Times:

<my> = a+

<my> can contain the following values:

  • <my> = a

  • <my> = a a a a a a a a a a a a a

May or May Not be Present:

<my> = a?

<my> can contain the following values:

  • <my> = a

  • <my> =

May be Present from A to B Times, Period:

<my> = a{1,4}

<my> can contain the following values:

  • <my> = a

  • <my> = a a

  • <my> = a a a

  • <my> = a a a a

One or Infinite Number of Times Separated by Comma:

<my> = a#

<my> can contain the following values:

  • <my> = a

  • <my> = a, a

  • <my> = a, a, a

  • <my> = a, a, a, a

Exactly One Value Must be Present:

<my> = [a? | b? | c?]!

In this example, the absence of a value within the group is allowed, but the exclamation mark ! requires at least one value; otherwise, it results in an error.

Multipliers can be Combined:

<my> = a#{1,5}

This specifies that a can appear between one and five times, separated by commas.

That covers the essential parts of grammar.

Now, let’s examine the grammar syntax for color:

<color> = <absolute-color-base> | currentcolor | <system-color>

<absolute-color-base> = <hex-color> | <absolute-color-function> | <named-color> | transparent
<absolute-color-function> = <rgb()> | <rgba()> |
                            <hsl()> | <hsla()> | <hwb()> |
                            <lab()> | <lch()> | <oklab()> | <oklch()> |
<rgb()> =  [ <legacy-rgb-syntax> | <modern-rgb-syntax> ]
<rgba()> = [ <legacy-rgba-syntax> | <modern-rgba-syntax> ]

<legacy-rgb-syntax> = rgb( <percentage>#{3} , <alpha-value>? ) |
                      rgb( <number>#{3} , <alpha-value>? )
<legacy-rgba-syntax> = rgba( <percentage>#{3} , <alpha-value>? ) |
                       rgba( <number>#{3} , <alpha-value>? )

<modern-rgb-syntax> = rgb(  [ <number> | <percentage> | none]{3}
                      [ / [<alpha-value> | none] ]?)
<modern-rgba-syntax> = rgba([ <number> | <percentage> | none]{3}
                      [ / [<alpha-value> | none] ]?)

It’s hard to work through this while nursing a hangover. However, writing a parser for this is not difficult—it’s even straightforward. But creating all the test variations is quite challenging. Considering the multitude of CSS declarations only adds to the complexity.

A logical solution is to write a test generator for grammars! This is easier said than done. While it’s not rocket science, it does require some thoughtful consideration.

The main problems I encountered:

  1. Combinatorial bombs.

For example, consider this grammar:

<text-decoration-line> = none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ]
<text-decoration-style> = solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy
<text-decoration-color> = <color>
<text-decoration> = <text-decoration-line> || <text-decoration-style> || <text-decoration-color>

Generating tests for <text-decoration> could go on indefinitely. All <color> values need to be combined with <text-decoration-line> and <text-decoration-style> in various ways, which is a considerable amount of work.

To manage this, I implemented a limiter for group options using /1. This notation indicates how many options should be selected from the group. As a result, <text-decoration> was transformed into:

<text-decoration> = <text-decoration-line> || <text-decoration-style> || <text-decoration-color>/1
  1. Grammars Ignore Spaces (LXB_CSS_SYNTAX_TOKEN_WHITESPACE).

Typically, it’s noted below the grammars that certain values should not have spaces between them. This approach is insufficient; we need to address this directly in the grammar. To handle this, the ^WS modifier (Without Spaces) was introduced:

<frequency> = <number-token> <frequency-units>^WS

frequency-units> = Hz | kHz

Spaces before <frequency-units> are not allowed.

  1. Parsing Order

The order of input data can be arbitrary, but after parsing, values are placed in their respective structures. During serialization, these values must follow a specific order.

For example:

<x> = a && b && c

Tests would be generated as follows:

<x> = a b c
<x> = a c b
<x> = b a c
<x> = b c a
<x> = c a b
<x> = c b a

All these tests are valid, but the result after parsing will always be <x> = a b c. The question arises—how do we compare this with others? My intuition suggested that the task had become significantly more complicated, but a sense of determination (not foolishness) drove me to address it directly. As expected, it didn’t work out right away; it required some thought!

Consider this example:

<x> = a && [x || y || [f && g && h]] && c

It became evident that generating tests for each group should not only provide a test but also the correct answer for that test. This added complexity to the implementation.

Various solutions were attempted—sometimes involving workarounds—to avoid complicating the code. However, these often led to exceptions and partially non-functional code. The idea was to assign a unique index in ascending order based on the value’s position, and then sort the indices at the end to determine the result for the parser. This would give both the test and the expected result.

However, this approach fell short. Each value has its own combinators and multipliers that can place different values between them. For instance, there might be spaces or commas between values. Simply sorting the final result led to inconsistencies.

The most reliable solution turned out to be generating the test and the result separately. This means that forming the result goes through the same stages as forming the test. Although this approach is costly, it’s manageable since real-time performance is not a constraint.

As a result, we now have an excellent tool for generating tests for grammars. Tests for CSS declarations (properties) are generated in 1 second, totaling 82,911 tests. On disk, they occupy about 20MB in JSON format. Manually writing such a large number of tests would be extremely time-consuming.

This approach has helped identify several parsing issues with properties—about 10 errors so far. I now have complete confidence that valid CSS will be parsed correctly.

The pressing question now is how to test invalid CSS. Currently, I use the Clang fuzzer actively. However, it is also necessary to implement incorrect/broken tests using grammar to ensure that invalid tests do not incorrectly pass as valid.

Generally Speaking about Testing

Code testing often takes as much time as development, if not more. The lexbor project undergoes continuous testing on approximately 30 operating systems with asan, msan, UB, and memory leak detection enabled (where possible). Additionally, Clang fuzzers are constantly in use.

What is the Status of the lexbor Project?

Despite a long hiatus, which was indeed prolonged, the project is actively evolving. Significant progress has been made, and currently, the implementation of the layout/renderer tree is underway. This means the project will soon handle window creation, glyph rendering, block and inline drawing, and more. The code is extensive; it could fill five articles, provided one avoids verbosity, and possibly even more.

The development break was due to my work at NGINX, where I focused on developing the NJS JavaScript engine. This experience has benefited the lexbor project in terms of knowledge.

Fortunately, a highly skilled individual (proficient in English and technical documentation) has joined me, assisting with the project’s documentation. This person now manages all aspects of English language documentation and general project documentation.

Where Are the Benchmarks?

Benchmarks are not available at this time.

Currently, the lexbor project supports full parsing of Selectors and Declarations. This is sufficient for the engine’s further development. Once features like @media, variables, and others are implemented, we will promptly compare our performance with others.

Any unsupported features by the CSS parser are categorized as CUSTOM. In other words, all data will be present in the final tree, albeit with a *_custom structure.

I’ll only hint that lightningcss, written in Rust and billed as “An extremely fast CSS parser,” did not particularly impress me.